sustainability & Social responsibility

Creating a positive footprint & building a legacy for the future

Across the globe, the sustainability challenge has gathered momentum to the extent that all businesses are now actively engaged in better defining and managing the impact of their chosen activity on the country and community in which they operate.
As a global energy trader, Concord Energy has many touch points in many jurisdictions of the world. Sustainability is the focus for Concord Energy employees, as they become more intimately involved with a particular country or community. In many ways, both big or small, Concord Energy wants to contribute to developing opportunities that improve life in the communities where we are active. The Concord Energy team wish to be known and judged by the footprint they create and the legacy they build for the future. The future focus of our sponsorship will be;

Charitable sponsorship
Concord Energy plans to support a range of charitable social programmes and events. In general, our focus is planned to on projects that help children and contribute to building a better future for communities.

Educational sponsorship
Concord Energy believes it is essential to maintain close links between academia and industry.
The Concord Energy team will work to actively to create a positive lasting legacy.

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